Study and prepare with 400+ exam-level practice questions that include lab questions similar to the real exam.
Prepare with complete practice test suite designed for candidates that want to attain the new CCNA 200-301 exam with roadmap updates. Each timed practice test includes typical CCNA questions. Complete your certification training with 400+ exam-level practice questions and pass your CCNA on first attempt. Experienced candidates often pass CCNA with only practice tests for a study plan. Know what to expect and prepare yourself for exam day.
The best strategy and key to passing CCNA exam is the right information instead of more information.
Learn from easy to understand detailed explanations that are provided with learning mode test review. CCNA 200-301 practice tests are designed to verify your knowledge and prepare you to pass the exam. Cisco has aligned CCNA 200-301 exam with a shift to IP only connectivity and Catalyst Center automation. Learn with a study plan that is 100% Cisco approved syllabus. Practice and learn how to answer questions effectively and pass the CCNA exam.
CISCONET Training Solutions official website has study tools, articles, and quizzes available for CCNA certification prep.
CCNA 200-301 FAQs
There are a significant number of new exam topics including automation, wireless, and cyber security. That is attributed to the popularity of wireless connectivity, cloud and SDN architecture. You will notice keywords such as describe, explain, and compare that are used in the official exam syllabus. There are traditional configuration core topics and new performance-based labs recently announced.
Number of Questions: 100
Duration: 120 minutes
Pass Score: 800/1000 (80%)
Cost: 300 USD
Types of Question: multiple choice, drag and drop, performance-based labs
*Candidates have the option of in-person or online testing.
New CCNA 200-301 v1.1 Exam Topics
Cisco has added new topics to the CCNA 200-301 exam that include artificial intelligence (AI), spanning tree protocols, and automation.
1. Generative and Predictive AI
2. Machine Learning
3. Cloud Network Management
4. STP Root Guard, Loop Guard, and BPDU Filter
5. InterVLAN Connectivity
6. Server Virtualization, Containers, and VRFs
7. Terraform (Chef and Puppet removed)
8. API Authentication Methods
Student Testimonials
"I passed the CCNA exam today. your tests helped a lot. thank you" - Sanghyeon L.
"These exams were great to determine my knowledge of the material. Passed my exam on first try." - Aristides R.
"The practice tests were excellent, without this I think was impossible to pass the exam. In my case my exam has more networking than these practice exams, but the principal object of having the pressure, reading key parts, thinking fast was very good, at least for me. Thanks" - Angel B.
"These tests are super helpful for preparing. Initially I was demotivated as I was getting 55-65 in each tests but the explanations were really good. High difficulty level is what's great about these tests because CCNA was difficult too. Finally passed my CCNA, yet to receive marks though." - Amarjeet Sehrawat
"I just passed the CCNA exams. These questions really helped in preparation. At first I was not scoring good in the practice tests but for each question I missed I reviewed it extensively and researched more questions about it. This is a very good course as it covers all topics well." - Dennis T.
"Thanks for these exam sets Shaun, I just passed my CCNA and these question sets are quite instrumental to fill in the gaps. Not all the questions are worded properly but it will make sense once you read the answer explanation. Best of luck to my fellow students!" - Kevin Q.
"You can study all you can, but if you don't know the structure of the exam questions you'll be surprised on the exam day. This course saved me! and I'm certified now!" - Carlos C.
CISCONET Training Solutions is a certification training provider with thousands of students worldwide. Training expert with 25+ years of experience, CCNA author, and Cisco spotlight awards. The integrated learning system includes online courses, lab training, study tools, and practice tests. It is all designed to prepare you for passing CCNA certification.
CCST • CCNA • CCNP • IT/Networking
Who this course is for:
- CCNA 200-301 Students