Advanced Python Django Ecommerce Website Development Course

An advanced Django Ecommerce Course with Product Variation, Rating System, Payment Gateway, Order Management, AWS Deploy

Advanced Python Django Ecommerce Website Development Course

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Welcome to the Project-Based Django Web Development Course where you will learn to develop a fully-featured eCommerce website and redesign any Django-based web applications.
I designed this course for anyone seeking to learn and build a Django-based custom web application. By the end of the course, you will be able to analyze, design, and develop your own eCommerce application and deploy it on the Amazon AWS Server with a custom domain name.

We’ll be building a fully custom-featured eCommerce application using a Python Django web framework. You will learn how to make your own custom user model, categories and products, Carts, Incrementing, Decrementing, and removing car items, Unlimited Product image gallery, Orders, and Payments, also we’ll be making “after order functionalities” such as reducing the quantity of sold products, send the order received email, clearing the cart, Order completion page as well as generating an invoice for the order. Also, we’ll be making a Review and Rating system where we’ll be designing interactive rating stars from scratch that even allows you to rate a half-star rating. We’ll also make my account functionalities for the customer who can easily edit his profile, profile pictures, change his account password, and manage his orders.
Finally, we will deploy this application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with RDS Postgres DB and use AWS S3 Bucket for media storage. Additionally, we’ll configure a custom domain name, set up AWS Route 53, and install the Free SSL Certificate provided by AWS.