Java for newcomers - Learn Java Programming from scratch.

Java for newcomers - Learn Java Programming from scratch.

Beginner-friendly hands-on course from experienced trainer: well-structured, 50 programming exercises, simple English.

In the course "Java for newcomers" you will learn programming your computer in Java from scratch.

Java is an awesome programming language and is perfectly suited for learning the basics of programming.

In the business world, Java is one of the most frequently used programming languages.

This course is designed for complete beginners and is ideal for anyone who wants to learn programming.

If you already have programming experience, you might skip several exercises to make faster progress with

this course.

This course at a glance:

hands-on: learn to program by programming

50 programming exercises

designed by an experienced trainer for beginners


everything is explained step by step, nothing is assumed

I hope you like this course and join us!

Your trainer:

My name is Torsten Krüger from jtrainer and I will guide you through this course.

I'm an experienced trainer for beginners and the excellent feedback from my classroom training

participants has inspired me to offer this online course.

A short summary of the feedback from my classroom training participants:

pleasant voice and speed when explaining

very clear, intuitive and visual explanations

small theory blocks and many practical exercises

good examples for all problems

didactically very good


humor and professionalism

fantastic trainer

very competent

honestly interested in the success of all

Who this course is for:
  • This course is designed for complete beginners and is ideal for anyone who wants to learn programming.
  • If you already have programming experience, you might skip several exercises to make faster progress with this course.
  • You can use this course, for example, to prepare for or receive support during
  • boot camps
  • university studies where programming skills are required
  • computer science lessons at school
  • career changes
  • in-company trainings
  • or simply for home use.