Learn Selenium with Python, PyTest & Frameworks

Learn Selenium with Python, PyTest + Live Project

Learn Selenium with Python, PyTest & Frameworks - Selenium WebDriver using Python & PyTest framework
  • Hot & new
  • Created by Pavan Kumar
  • English [Auto]

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What you'll learn
  • You will learn how to write test scripts using Selenium WebDriver.
  • You will know how to identify identify various web elements using Locators
  • You will know how to design frameworks from scratch.
  • You will able to work on Real time projects after you completed this course.
Course content
  • 6 sections • 35 lectures • 45h 39m total length
  • Expand all sections
  • Introduction1 lecture • 1hr 10min
  • Introduction
  • Preview01:09:56
  • Python Programming6 lectures • 8hr 53min
  • Python Object Oriented Programming Concepts4 lectures • 4hr 56min
  • Selenium WebDriver15 lectures • 20hr 32min
  • PyTest Framework4 lectures • 4hr 19min
  • Hybrid Automation Framework Step by Step Development -eCommerce Project5 lectures • 5hr 48min
  • Software Testing Concepts
  • No prior knowledge of Python, everything will be covered in this course
Selenium is an open source automation testing tool for web based applications. It runs directly on a web browser such as Firefox, chrome,

Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari etc., and supports Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.

This Selenium course will be covering from very basic Selenium to the Expert Level. During the course to explain all ways of interacting with web pages using Selenium. Covering each topics with examples of live websites.

During course will be covering all best practices used with Selenium WebDriver & PyTest, Covering all popular frameworks available i.e Page Object Model

Topics Covered in this Course:


Module-1: Overview on Automation & Selenium

What is Software Testing? Types of Software Testing?

Challenges in Manual testing

How Automation Overcome challenges in Manual testing?

How Automation tools work?

Importance of Programming in Automation

What is Selenium? What are the components of Selenium?

What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver?

Module-2: Python Essentials for Selenium

Introduction to Python

Installing Python3

Different ways to Run Python code

Comments & Keywords

Variables & Datatype

Re-declaring variables

Delete variables


Formatting output

How to take input from user & Type conversion

Formatting output

Control statements



Collections - List, Tuple, Dictionary & Set


Global & Local Variables

Positional & Keyword arguments to the function

Module-3: Python OOPS Concepts

Classes and Objects




Types of Inheritance


Polymorphism - Overloading

Python Modules


Exception handling

Working with Text Files

Working with Database

Module-4: Selenium WebDriver

Introduction to WebDriver and Architecture

Environment Setup & WebDriver Configuration

How to Create Automated test case in WebDriver?

Execute test case on multiple browsers.

Basic Locators – Name, ID, LinkText, PartialLinkText

Advanced Locators – CSS, XPath

Working with Selectors Hub

WebDriver Commands

Get Commands

Conditional Commands

Navigation Commands

Waits – Implicit and Explicit Waits

Browser Commands

Working with Web Elements

Input box, Checkbox & Radio buttons

Dropdowns – Select Class, JQuery & Boostrap Drop Downs

Links & Broken Links



Working with Browser Windows

How to Handle Date Picker

How to Handle Web Tables

How to Handle Mouse Actions

How to Handle Keyboard Actions

How to Handle Upload & Download Files

How to Scroll Web page

How to Capture Screenshots

How to work with Cookies

Headless Browser Testing

Data Driven Testing using MS-Excel

Module-5: PyTest

Introduction to PyTest

PyTest Installation

PyTest Naming Conventions

PyTest Test case

PyTest Fixtures

How to use common Fixtures in Multiple Modules

Run All the Modules in Package

Run Specific Module from a Package

Run Specific Test Method from a Module

Grouping Tests

Skipping Tests

Ordering Tests

Parallel Testing using pyTest xdist-plugin


Command Line Arguments

Structure Tests in a Test Class

Return A value from Fixture

pyTest HTML Report generation

Module-6: Logs & Page Object Model

Generating logs

Page Object Model Pattern – Page Factory

Module-7: Hybrid Framework with POM – Live Project (E-Commerce Domain)

Understanding what is Automation Framework & Types of Frameworks

Phases in Designing Framework

How To choose Test cases for automation

Step by Step Implementation of Hybrid Driven Framework

Creating Project and install required plugins

Creating page objects and Object repository

Creating utilities

Setting up configuration files

Creating automation test cases

Creating data driven test cases

Creating database test cases

Generating PyTest HTML reports

Generating logs

Execute test scripts

Emailing test reports

Execute test scripts through Command Line

Execute test scripts using bat file

Module-8: CI – Continuous Integration (Git, Github &Jenkins)

What is Continuous Integration?

Workflow of Git & Github

Git commands

Jenkins Overview

Maven integration with Jenkins

Run selenium test scripts through Jenkins