Modern Natural Language Processing in Python

Modern Natural Language Processing in Python, Solve Seq2Seq and Classification NLP tasks with Transformer and CNN using Tensorflow 2 in G...
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HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap: The Beginner Web Design Course

HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap: The Beginner Web Design Course -  Quickly learn HTML5 and CSS3 + Bootstrap - the basics of Web Development - to de...
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Natural Language Processing: Machine Learning NLP In Python

Natural Language Processing: Machine Learning NLP In Python -  A Complete Beginner NLP Syllabus. Practicals: Linguistics, Flask,Sentiment, S...
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Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API)

Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API) -  Vue.js is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications!...
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The Data Science Course 2021: Complete Data Science Bootcamp

The Data Science Course 2021: Complete Data Science Bootcamp, Complete Data Science Training: Mathematics, Statistics, Python, Advanced S...
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Asynchronous JavaScript Deep Dive

Asynchronous JavaScript Deep Dive, Master Asynchronous JavaScript Patterns; In-depth training on Callbacks, Promises, Async Await, Genera...
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Startup: Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later w Sramana Mitra

Startup: Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later w Sramana Mitra -  Case studies of how to bootstrap a tech startup first to raise funding later....
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