100 Days of JavaScript


100 Days of JavaScript, 
Sharpen your JavaScript skills by building Amazing projects over the next 100 Days with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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What you'll learn
  • Sharpen your JavaScript skills by building projects
  • Use ES6 Classes, arrow functions, events, DOM manipulation and more.
  • Apply HTML, CSS, Flexbox and Grid Layout on projects
  • Use Bootstrap to build projects.

Welcome to 100 Days Of JavaScript, a project-based JavaScript course.
Learning the fundamentals of JavaScript is one thing, but applying the knowledge to build functional web apps can sometimes be difficult especially for beginners.

I created this course to help beginners and intermediate-level JavaScript developers gain clarity and build confidence BY building amazing projects with JavaScript.

At the end of the course, we are going to build what I call a "PSEUDO JAVASCRIPT AI" which is a very exciting project.

All the projects we build are very well explained.
Many of the projects we build are components found on modern websites and web apps.

Course Requirement
This course is not for an absolute JavaScript beginner.
To take this course you need to know the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Here is a list of projects we build in the course

Counter App

Random Hex Color Generator

Random Number Generator


Palindrome Checker

Vowel Counter App

Click to Copy

Google Drive Download Link Generator

Weather App

Input Field Character Counter

Lyrics Search App

Internet Connection Status Detector

Quiz App

API Project

HTTP Request Project

Random Quote Generator

List Search Project

Date Countdown

Time Countdown

Tip Calculator

Smooth Scroll Effect

Sticky Nav Bar on Scroll

Active Menu Switcher

Scroll To Top

Responsive Mobile Menu - part 1 & 2

Responsive Mobile Menu with Submenu

Page Scroll Indicator

Newsletter Form on Scroll

Page Animation With AOS Library

Password Generator

Local Storage

Simple ToDo App

Todo App with Local Storage

Notes App

BMI Calculator


Digital Clock

Weight Converter

Temperature Converter

Running Game

Word Count Tool


Async Await - Random Joke Generator

Modules, Imports and Exports

GitHub Profile Search App

Wikipedia Search App

Image Slider

JavaScript Array Methods

Data Attribute and JS

Product Filter

Product Carousel Slider

Vertical Tabs

Count Up App

Digital Piano

Form Validation

Password Visibility Toggle

Password Strength Indicator

Animated Login UI

Animated Search Bar

Udemy User Avatar Menu

Currency Converter

Movie Listing App

Floating Action Button

Dark and Light Mode Toggler

Web Speech API - Speech To Text App

Web Speech API - Speech To Text App - With Voice Command

Speech Synthesis - Text To Speech App

Type Writing Effect Project

Custom Progress Bar

Custom Alert & Toast Notification (ES6 Classes)

Custom Alert & Toast Notification With Progress Bar

Custom Confirm Dialog Box (ES6 Classes)

Custom Range Slider

Modal With Countdown Event

Website Preloader

Testimonial Slider

Tweet Character Count

Click to Tweet

Embed Twitter Timeline

Recipe App

Product Gallery With Thumbnail

Image Gallery Filter

Card Payment UI/UX

Exact Age Calculator

Multistep Form

Pricing Section

Stop Watch

Animated Vertical Timeline Project

Music Player App

Pseudo AI Project - Anita

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner and intermediate level web developers who want to sharpen their JavaScript skills.

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