Linux for Beginners 2021

Linux for Beginners 2021

Linux for Beginners 2021 - Learn fundamentals of Linux! Basic Commands, File System, Network, Packages, Services, Processes & Monitoring and more!
  • Hot & New
  • Created by Muharrem AYDIN
  • English [Auto]
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Hi there,

Welcome to my Linux for Beginners 2021 Course!

In this course, you will learn Linux fundamentals, how to use basic commands, how Linux File hierarchy is, how to set the network of Linux, how to install packages from package managers and source code, how to manage services, processes and monitoring. 

This course is for beginner level.  You will learn step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. 

At the end of the course you will learn;
What is Linux
Pieces of Linux
Linux Signs $,#,%
Desktop Environments
Linux GUI
Command Parameters
List Files - "ls" Command
Print Working Directory - "pwd" Command
Show Manuel - "man" Command
Change Directory - "cd" Command
Concatenate Files - "cat" Command
Display Output - "echo" Command
View the File with "more" Command
View the File with "less" Command
Print First Lines with "head" Command
Print Last Lines with "tail" Command
Global Regular Expression Print - "grep" Command
Output Redirections
Linux File Hierarchy
File Permissions
Make Directory - "mkdir" Command
Create File & Modify Date - "touch" Command
Remove Files or Directories - "rm" Command
Copy and Move Files or Directories - "cp" & "mv" Command
Find Files and Directories - "find" Command
Cut Parts of Lines - "cut" Command
Change Ownership of a Given File - "chown" Command
Network Settings
Display Network Status - "ifconfig" Command
Leasing New IP from DHCP Server
User Management in Linux
Important Files - "passwd" and "shadow"
Adding a New User
Change the Group and Delete a User
Process Management
Monitoring Running Processes - "ps" and "top" Commands
Killing Processes
Package Management
Foremost Linux Package Managers
APT Package Manager
Install From Source Code
System Monitoring
Monitoring - "df", "top", "vmstat", "netstat" Commands

No prior knowledge is needed! 
It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn Linux!
This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install Linux, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices.  I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts.
Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises
By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of the Linux system and you'll also be very confident in using Linux commands and managing Linux system services and processes and hungry to learn more. 

You'll also get:
Lifetime Access to The Course
Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section
Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
Dive in now to my Linux for Beginners 2021 Course.
Who this course is for:

Anyone who want to learn Linux
Anyone who want deep dive into Linux world

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