A Complete Natural Language Processing Beginner Masterclass™


A Complete Natural Language Processing Beginner Masterclass™, Learn Core NLP Theory. Projects: Sentiment Analysis, Fake News Detector, Topic Models, LSTMs, Speech Recognition & More!
  • Created by Nidia Sahjara, Rajeev D. Ratan
  • English [Auto]
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This course takes you from a beginner level to being able to understand NLP concepts, linguistic theory, and then practice these basic theories using Python - with very simple examples as you code along with me.
If you are new to Python or any computer programming, the course instructions make it easy for you to code together with me. I explain code line by line.
The gentle pace takes you gradually from these basics of NLP foundation to being able to understand Mathematical & Linguistic (English-Language based, Non-Mathematical) theories of Deep Learning.
Natural Language Processing Foundation
Linguistics & Semantics - study the background theory on natural language to better understand the Computer Science applications
Pre-processing Data (cleaning)
Regex, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization
Part-of-Speech Tagging
The topics outlined below are taught using practical Python projects! 
Text Classification & Sentiment Analysis
Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis
Topic Modelling
Word Embedding with Deep Learning Models
LSTM using TensorFlow, Keras Sequence Model
Speech Recognition
Convert Speech to Text

Who this course is for:

Anyone who is curious about data science & NLP
Those who are in the Business & Marketing world - learn use NLP to gain insight into customers & products. Can help at interviews & job promotions.
If you intend to enrol in an NLP/Data Science course but are a total newbie, complete this course before to avoid being lost in class since it can seem overwhelming if classmates already have a foundation in Python or Datascience.

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