Python 3 Master Course for 2021


Python 3 Master Course for 2021 - 
Go from Beginner to Advanced with Python 3
  • New
  • Created by Learn Tech Plus
  • English [Auto]
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Do you want to Master Python?  Then this is the course for you where I will take you from complete beginner to Advanced Python Programmer.  Let me walk you through a detailed step by step process that will help you accomplish your goals and have fun learning on the way we will cover the following in detail:

What is Python
Getting Started with Python Documentation
Cover Summary of Python Beginner's Documentation
Cover a Summary of Python Moderate Guide
Cover a Summary of Python Advanced Guide
Cover a Summary of General Python Documentation
Talk in Depth about Python 3.x Resources
Talk about what is and How to Port from Python 2 to Python
Python 2.7 Sunset and what does that mean?
Why Python 3 is the present and future.
Setup Download and Install Python 3
Writing your First Python Script
Python Basics
Data Types
If Else Statements
While Loops
For Loops
Thanks for checking out the course!
Best Regards,
Josh Werner
Learn Tech Plus
Who this course is for:

Beginner to Advanced Students wanting to Learn Python 3

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