College Level Advanced Linear Algebra! Theory & Programming!


College Level Advanced Linear Algebra! Theory & Programming!, Linear Algebra (matlab - python) & Matrix Calculus For Machine Learning, Robotics, Computer Graphics, Control, & more !
  • Created by Ahmed Fathy, MSc
  • English [Auto], Italian [Auto]
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From Matrix Calculus, To Robotics! From Control Systems, To Computer Graphics! From the Singular Value Decompositions to the Principal Component Analysis. From Systems Of Linear Equations, To Systems Of Differential Equations. From Inverses, to Pseudo Inverses. From Determinants, to positive definiteness. From Concepts To Programming. From Matlab To Python. From Proofs to Visualizations & From Theory to Applications. From Solved Examples To thoughtful Exams, and From Many Other Things to Many other things,
I, Present This Course !
My Name is Ahmed Fathy, currently a machine learning scientist at Affectiva,  and a university teacher previously. Over the years, I happened to teach many subjects that make a very deep use of linear algebra. Those include Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Computer Graphics, Control Systems, Game Development, and even Pure Linear Algebra. Every one of those subjects handled linear algebra from very different perspectives. In this course, I provide them all.
This course is intended to be a Reference on linear algebra in the world of online courses, having proofs, theories, programming, concepts, applications, solved examples, visualizations, and everything ! Any suggestions for more topics to add are always welcome. Since the course contents are so large and extensive, I will not summarize them here. Instead, I ask you to please watch the promo video & also have a look on the course contents towards the bottom of the page. Have a nice day !
Who this course is for:
Anyone Interested In Linear Algebra, especially, but not limited to, in the context of computer engineering, computer science, or data-science.
Anyone Interested In Machine Learning & Deep learning.
Anyone Interested In Computer Graphics & Game Development.
Anyone Interested In Classical Control Systems & Robotics.
Anyone Interested To know how to use python & matlab for Linear Algebra.
Anyone Interested In Linear Algebra Theories, Concepts, And Proofs.

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