Oracle SQL : Become a Certified SQL Developer From Scratch!


Oracle SQL : Become a Certified SQL Developer From Scratch! - Become an In-demand SQL Professional! Get ready to pass Oracle SQL 1Z0-071 (OCA) Certification Exam on your first try!
  • Bestseller
  • Created by Oracle Master Training • 70,000+ Students Worldwide, Code Star Academy
  • English [Auto], Italian [Auto]
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★ Last Course Updates:
✔ (Oct, 2020): 3-Real SQL(200+ High-Quality Questions) Certification Exam Samples are added!
✔ (Sep, 2020): New Lectures and Quiz Questions are added!
✔ (Jun, 2020): English Closed-Captions are added!
Important Notice: This course will be continuously getting updated with more lectures, quizzes, assessments to enhance your knowledge on Oracle SQL.
Are you a student ready to learn SQL for your lessons?
Do you want to get a better job?
Are you bored with watching a lot of stuff, but could not learn anything?
Do you think you know SQL, but you cannot write SQL codes?
Are you looking for a really professional course?
Then this is the course you are looking for.
You have come to the right place!
In this course, all the subjects are explained in a professional order.
   If you are new to SQL, no problem! You can easily learn with all the details of SQL. If you already know SQL and want to improve, this course explains all the details including all of the subjects.
   After completing this course, you will learn all that you need to know. If you don't see something in this course, it means you really don't need to know it for now.
   Coding can be learned with coding. A course that has no example is not a course at all. And there are hundreds and hundreds of codes in this course.
So come on, what are you waiting for?
Get this course, and go get a better job!
Topics covered in this course :
Database Fundamentals (Relational Database Concepts + SQL Terminology)
What is SQL?
What is a Database? 
What is a Table? 
What is a Relational Database (RDBMS)?
Entity-Relationship Logic in Databases
What is the Pluggable Database?
Introduction to Database Objects
Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
Oracle Data Types
What is a NULL Value?
"ORA-" Error Messages
SELECT Statements
Oracle Aliases (AS Keyword)
Quote (Q) Operator
Oracle DISTINCT and UNIQUE Keywords
Concatenation Operators
Restricting and Filtering Data using the WHERE Clause
WHERE Clause
Comparison Operators (<, >, =, !=, <>, etc.)
BETWEEN Operator
IN Operator
LIKE Operator
IS NULL Operator
Oracle Logical (AND, OR, NOT) Operators
Rules of Precedence
Sorting Data using the ORDER BY Clause
ASC and DESC Operators
Row Limiting (Oracle FETCH + OFFSET) Clause in SQL
Using Oracle Substitution Variables
What is a Substitution Variable?
Double Ampersand (&&) Operator
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
Introduction to Oracle Single-Row Functions
Character Functions (Lower, Upper, Initcap)
Character Manipulation Functions
Numeric Functions
Nested Functions
Date Values & Date Formats in Oracle
Date Functions & Arithmetic Operations on Dates
Date Manipulation Functions in SQL
Using Conversion Functions
Introduction to Oracle Conversion Functions
Conversion Function Types (Implicit and Explicit Conversions)
Explicit Conversion (To_Char, To_Number, To_Date) Functions
Null-Related (NVL, NVL2, NULLIF, Coalesce) Functions
Oracle Conditional Expressions
Oracle Case Expressions
Oracle Decode Function
Reporting Aggregated Data Using Group Functions
Introduction to Oracle Group Functions
AVG Function
COUNT Function
MAX Function
MIN Function
SUM Function
LISTAGG Function
Overview of Group Functions
Grouping Data
Combining & Displaying Data from Multiple Tables (Joins)
Introduction to Joins
Oracle Join Types
Natural Joins
Join with USING Clause
Handling Ambiguous Column Names
Join with ON Clause
Multiple Join Operations
Restricting Joins
Joining Unequal Tables (Nonequi Joins)
Outer Joins
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Full Outer Join
Cross Join (Cartesian Product)
Joins with Old Oracle Syntax
Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
Single-Row Subqueries
Multiple-Row Subqueries
Multiple Column Subqueries
Using Subqueries as a Table
Scalar Subqueries
Correlated Subqueries
Using WITH Clause
Using Oracle SET Operators
Matching the SELECT Statements
UNION Operator
UNION ALL Operator
MINUS Operator
Using the ORDER BY Clause with SET Operators
Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements
Introduction to Data Manipulation Language Statements
INSERT Statement
Multitable Insert Statement
Unconditional Insert Statement
Conditional Insert Statement
Conditional Insert First Statement
Pivoting Insert Statement
UPDATE Statement
DELETE Statement
Using Transaction Control Language (TCL) Statements
What is a Transaction?
COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
Row Lock
FOR UPDATE Statement
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data By Using Subqueries
Correlated Update
Correlated Delete
Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements
Introduction to Data Definition Language Statements
Oracle Naming Rules
Oracle CREATE TABLE Statement
Oracle CTAS Statements
Oracle ALTER TABLE Statement
DROP TABLE Statement
COMMENT Statement
RENAME Statement
FLASHBACK Operations
PURGE Operations
Tracking Changes Data in a Particular Time
Oracle FLASHBACK Query
Oracle FLASHBACK Versions Query
✅ Benefits of Taking This SQL Course:
Knowing SQL can get you a better job or improve the one you have and it can earn you $80-100k+ in the IT Industry. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the biggest technology companies in the IT industry, and make your software life easier, this is why it's so popular and backed by Oracle.
This course will help you quickly get up to speed with Oracle SQL. I will demystify the query skill and help you understand the essential concepts of how to write SQL codes easily and thinking analytically against the problem in your company.
✅ Student Reviews Prove This Course's Worth:
Those who have reviewed the course have pointed out that the instruction is clear and easy to follow, as well as thorough and highly informative. Other students enjoy the use of relevant examples throughout the course, as these make the content even easier to comprehend.
Many students had also taken other SQL courses in the past, only to find that this SQL course was their favorite. They enjoyed the structure of the content and the high-quality audio/video.
Check out all of the great reviews in the review section ... a lot of happy students :-)

✅ Important Notice:
Knowing SQL is "mandatory" for any IT Professionals and having good SQL knowledge will be a "GREAT PLUS" for you!
If you want to Become a Job-Ready SQL Professional who can pass any Oracle SQL Exam confidently, this course will be the next step for you!
So let’s do this! I'll see you in the first lecture!

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