Angular 10 Masterclass with TypeScript, Firebase, & Material

Udemy - Angular 10 Masterclass with TypeScript, Firebase, & Material, Master and build reactive Single Page Applications(SPA) from scratch using Angular (formerly "Angular 2" or "AngularJS")

  • Created by Siddharth Ajmera
  • English [Auto]

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Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks for building single-page applications or web apps with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. So basically, if you want to become a successful front-end or a full-stack developer, that get hired, you need to have Angular as a skill under your belt.

Learning Angular 2 or Angular 4/5/6/7/8/9 or Angular 10 or simply Angular(as the Angular team likes to call it) on your own can be confusing or frustrating at times. It might require you to browse through several tutorials, articles, YouTube videos, etc, and get a grip on it.
If you want to get rid of going through all that trouble and just focus on learning Angular, this is THE course for you. In this course, I'll take you through an exciting journey of learning Angular concepts through fun and easy to understand coding examples.
As the course progresses, you'll get familiar with:
Single Page Applications and why should we use Angular to build them
TypeScript and ESNext( ECMAScript 2015 or ES6 and later versions of it)
Angular Modules, the @NgModule Decorator and Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism
Angular Components, the @Component Decorator, component communication and LifeCycle Hooks
Directives, the @Directive Decorator, and creating custom structural and attribute directives.
Dependency Injection In Angular, the @Injectable Decorator, Services, RxJS Observables and making AJAX Calls to REST APIs
Routing, Child Routing, and Route Guards
Pipes the @Pipe Decorator, and creating custom pure pipes and impure pipes.
Template Driven Forms and Reactive Forms in Angular
Custom Decorators
Using third-party libraries like Angular Material, Firebase, etc.
Section 1 - Single Page Applications, Why Angular and Project Setup:
Course Overview
Introduction to SPA
What do we need Angular for?
Setting up the Development Environment.
Angular Application Architecture
Angular CLI
Project Structure
Section 2 - TypeScript and ESNext:
What is TypeScript
Basic Types in TypeScript
Variable Declarations using Let and Const
Spread and Destructure.
Arrow Functions
fetch API
async / await
Angular Modules and Angular Components
Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism
Data/Property Binding
View Encapsulation
Inter-component Communication (@Input/@Output, Event Emitter)
Template variables (ViewChild/ContentChild)
Content Projection(ng-content)
Templates – will be covered as part of components
Metadata – basic overview
Lifecycle hooks
Order and triggering of each hook
Hooks specific to Components and Decorators
Dependency Injection(Providers)
Dependency Injection - Why?
Dependency Injection - As a design pattern
Dependency Injection - As a framework
Dependency Injection - What?
Injectors and Providers
Hierarchical Dependency Injection
Child routes
Route params
Route Guards - CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad
Service as a singleton, data sharing.
HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams
Observables with Operators like the map, subscribe, catch, retry etc
Sharing data across Components using Service
Built-In Structural Directives - NgFor, NgIf, NgSwitch
Built-In Attribute Directives - NgClass, NgStyle, NgNonBindable
Building a Custom Structural Directive
Building a Custom Attribute Directive
Build-in Pipes
Building Custom Pipes
Pure and Impure Pipe
Template Driven Forms
Reactive forms
Form Validations
Custom Synchronous form validations
Custom Asynchronous form validations
Custom Decorators
Metadata – deep dive
Building Custom Class Decorator
Building Custom Property Decorator
Integrating with Third-Party Libraries
Material Design Bootstrap
Angular Material
By the end of this course, you'll be able to: 
Build end-to-end Single Page Apps in Angular on your own
Understand and fix common compile-time and run-time errors in minutes
Understand and implement clean and maintainable code like a professional
Apply best practices when building Angular apps
We'll always start with the basics and go from there. Right from the beginning of the second module, you'll jump in and build your first Angular app within minutes.
Angular 2 and all the later versions of Angular has been written in TypeScript. So, before getting started with Angular in section 3, you'll learn the fundamentals of TypeScript and object-oriented programming in section 2 to better understand and appreciate this powerful framework. 
Over the next 15 hours, you'll learn the essentials of building Single Page Applications(SPAs) with Angular: 
Displaying data and handling DOM events
Building reusable components
Manipulating the DOM using directives(both Structural and Attribute)
Transforming data using pipes
Building template-driven and reactive forms 
Consuming REST APIs using HTTP services 
Handling HTTP errors properly 
Using Reactive Extensions and Observables 
Adding routing and navigation to adhere to the basics of a Single Page Application
Building real-time, server-less apps with Firebase 
Building beautiful UIs using Angular Material, and Material Design Bootstrap
So, if you're a busy developer with limited time and want to quickly learn how to build SPAs with Angular, you're at the right place.
All these topics are covered by over 15 hours of high-quality content. Taking this course is equivalent to going through hundreds of articles, tutorials, and videos on the web! Just that the content is laid out to cover all that you'll get to know during all that time! Once you go through the course(or just the preview videos), you'll know that the topics are explained in a  clear and concise manner which is going to save you a lot of your precious time! This course is also packed with techniques and tips, that you can only learn from a seasoned developer. You'll see how we'll create a brand new Angular project with Angular CLI and build an application from A to Z, step-by-step.
You'll also get to know ways to build a real-time SPA with Angular, Firebase, and Bootstrap. This application exhibits patterns that you see in a lot of real-world applications:
CRUD operations
Interaction with a data store
Forms with custom validation
And a lot more...!
You don't need familiarity with TypeScript or any previous versions of Angular. You're going to learn both TypeScript and Angular from scratch in this course.
"Explanation is crisp.. instructor is comfortable with the topic...examples used are good and easy to understand...various aspects of the code are explained...using MDB and material for angular both are covered for creating UI components...just only the full screen is shown at all times.. which makes things appear very small... screen highlight or zoom is not used while recording video.. rest all is great.. for learning angular" - Maneesh Parihar
"內容詳細" - Huang JiaLin
"That's a very comprehensive course on Angular that also teaches Angular Material and Firebase @Siddharth Ajmera: Thanks for this great course! As with so many other courses I would love to see some Summaries or cheatsheets as PDFs or foils and also I'd appreciate to see more schematics, graphs, and sketches." - He
"講解詳細" -曾玟凱
"This course was perfect for beginners like me. I learned so much from it. Thanks a lot Siddharth for such a good course. Looking forward to more courses from you. Can you please add a section that demonstrates building of an application end to end?" - ankita daur
"Siddarth explained the course in a very simple manner and with simple examples. Would love more indepth on Angular Material and Firebase from him. Great course." - Kumar
"There is so much information provided in this course. I was looking for custom Decorators and use cases where in they could be implemented to make the code cleaner. I found perfect examples on similar topics in this training. This course is great for beginners." - Kewal Shah
This course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, follow along while coding, and if you are not happy for any reason, contact Udemy for a full refund within the first 30 days of your enrolment. All your money back, no questions asked.
Siddharth is a software engineer with around 5 years of professional experience. He is the author of this course with more than 15,000 students in 192 countries. He has done his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. He has worked on several Modern Web Applications. Chatbots, and frameworks. He writes articles about Angular, and Chatbots on Medium.
What are the requirements?
Basic familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
NO knowledge of AngularJS or Angular is required
What am I going to get from this course?
Establish yourself as a skilled professional developer
Build real-world Angular applications on your own
Troubleshoot common Angular errors
Master the best practices
Write clean and elegant code like a professional developer
What is the target audience?
Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities
Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology
Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers
Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks

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