Udemy - The complete web developer Bootcamp - Full Stack 2019, Learn Full Stack Web Development using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, AJAX, Laravel 4.0 & more!
3.9 (33 ratings), Created by Mouad Tou, English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- Skills that will allow you to apply for jobs in these roles: Web Developer, Software Developer, Front End Developer, Javascript Developer, or Full Stack Developer
- Build dynamic websites and web apps for your startup or business
- Work as a freelance web developer
- Be proficient with databases and server-side languages
- Learn professional developer best practices
- You will be provided with a variety of concrete projects codes.
- No programming experience needed - I'll teach you everything you need to know
- A Mac or PC computer with access to the internet
- No paid software is required
- You will need to take notes
- A cup of coffee, just manage your time
- Enthusiasm is all you need!