Online Courses Udemy - React Hooks Projects Course 2019 : Build 4 Real Applications, Learn React Hooks (useState , useEffect , useMemo , useContext , etc) By Building and Deploying 4 real projects
HOT & NEW, 4.4 (2 ratings), Created by Bit Punch, English [Auto-generated]
What are react hooks?
React hooks are the biggest update to the react core up to date
Hooks let you get the advantages of using a class component in function components
Why should I care about hooks?
Because this feature is the future of React and learning this feature now while building projects using it will set you apart from competition since it's still very new.
What will this course cover?
We will begin with explaining all the major hooks and learn about the general rules of using React hooks while building a form and using an external API
and then you will :
Learn how to use react context with react hooks
Learn about and use React-Router
Learn about using the local storage to save our data
Learn how to build your own custom hooks
Learn how to deploy your applications
Build 4 projects that will teach you all the main aspects of using React hooks , React-Router and React Context in actual projects
Who this course is for :
Those interested in learning about React hooks.
Those who want to learn about React context and/or how to use it with hooks.
Those who want to learn about using the local storage.
Those who want to learn about using React-Router.
Those who want to know how to use the latest React features to build real projects , as well as how to deploy them.