Healthy Boundaries in Relationships, Friendships and Work

Get Confident with Difficult Conversations: Become More Assertive in Managing Conflict and Confrontations

Healthy Boundaries in Relationships, Friendships and Work

Confrontations are powerful, assertive and honest conversations where you set out your preferences and boundaries for others as an invitation to respect you, collaborate with you efficiently, build deeper connections, and establish healthy relationships.

Most people don't know how to have assertive confrontations that lead to healthy outcomes.

People generally fall into one of three unhelpful categories when it comes to confrontations

Exploding with rage, accusations, blame and resentment in a way that destroys their relationships and reputations, because they're focused on controlling people and "winning"

Staying silent and tolerating poor treatment or unpleasant situations to try to maintain social harmony

Awkwardly and emotionally try to speak their mind in a confused indirect way that's hard to understand and impossible to respect, due to fears of emotional conflict and rejection making it difficult to speak your mind concisely and powerfully

So most people either waste tons of time in unproductive conflicts, or they never get what they really want, or they get mistreated and disrespect and bullied, or they simply feel frustrated with having to bend over backwards for everyone else's preferences.

In this course, we're going to explore another option that doesn't have any of these problems.

One of our greatest fears is conflict.
To avoid conflict, we often people-please, falsely agree, and try to avoid "rocking the boat" as much as possible. This is also partly because we don't feel confident in our ability to have a confrontation.

"This is the kind of advice and practical knowledge I wish I'd had before I was allowed to graduate high school. I probably needed it before then. Great stuff, and should be required learning for everyone that wants to be part of a relationship, or even a society."

Mike Wells

I used to be terrifed of confrontations.

No exaggeration: it was my biggest fear, even bigger than my fear of death itself.

But after decades of avoiding conflict, missing out on opportunities, being unable to compete effectively, being disprespected, unappreciated and misunderstood, I knew I had to do something about it.

Long story short, I joined the Department of Corrections and got a job that put me into confrontations with intimidating criminal offenders every single day. I was thrown in the deep end and had to learn how to swim.

Thanks to this experience and the expert training I received on managing manipulations, managing emotions, motivational interviewing techniques, and many other contributing factors to having powerful, healthy and effective confrontations, I learned how to stand up for myself in even the most challenging situations.

And you can learn how to have powerful confrontations too.

Being assertive, speaking your mind, asking for what you really want, and setting boundaries of respect are all skills that ANYONE can learn.

You just need to know how to manage your emotions, your perceptions, and your reactions to conflict, while at the same time developing a working knowledge of human psychology to help navigate other people's reactions successfully (without needing to be false or use deceptive manipulation).

"Absolutely amazing! I highly recommend this course to people who are struggling with setting boundaries, or even unhappy in life in terms of how other people treat them, because most likely, it the boundary issue that needs to be checked to retain the respect, confidence and happiness."

Safiul Basher

What you'll get in this course:

mindset frames and tips to keep you calm and fearless during conflict

core values to hold onto that ensure the best possible results during confrontations

skills to balance compassion with honesty and respect and assertiveness all at the same time

strategies for ensuring win/win outcomes are possible nearly all of the time

techniques for handling "bad" reactions effectively so you don't have to fear how people will respond

core tactics for managing manipulation from others to protect you from deception and domination

And SO MUCH MORE! This is just the tip of the iceberg.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

stand up for yourself no matter if people are watching and judging

go for what you really want without shame, guilt or fear, so that you stop missing opportunities

prevent people abusing or mistreating you and thereby remove the sense that you're not good enough

feel free and brave in even the most awkward and uncomfortable social situations

respect yourself completely and build superior self confidence to create an awesome life!

Enroll now to become the confident and assertive beast who can protect themselves and others and create safe, loyal connections with their loved ones.

"So far I've only watched the first 4 videos in section 1 and I already feel that I've received heaps of value. I wish I had learned all of this 20-30 years ago!"

Christian Brauchle

Dan Munro is a bestselling author who has been coaching people-pleasers for almost 10 years, after a career spent rehabilitating serious criminal offenders. His books, courses, and coaching sessions have helped 1000s of people pleasers (like himself) become more confident, more authentic, and masters at creating healthy social connections.

This course represents all the knowledge and tools he has learned and successfully applied to his clients and his own personal growth as a coach, father, husband, and friend.

Enroll now at no risk!

The Healthy Boundaries in Relationships, Friendships and Work comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Start your journey towards mastering honesty, communications, and assertive confidence.

Who this course is for:
  • People pleasers and Nice Guys/Girls
  • People who struggle with anger
  • Leaders and managers
  • Couples looking to improve their communication